Use case.

Tariff comparison.

The insurance sector thrives on competitive tariffs, yet comparing them can be arduous and prone to human error. Our Tariff Comparison tool automates the analysis of insurance tariffs, both internally and against competitors, simplifying the process and ensuring accuracy. With this innovation, insurance departments can now leverage technology to gain a nuanced understanding of tariff structures, enabling informed decision-making.

Automated insights in tariff differences

Your benefits.

See what's in it for you.

Automated comparison of intricate tariff details

Easy visualization of competitive advantages and areas for improvement

Efficient assessment of market position and pricing strategies

What you previously had to do.

  • Manually collating and comparing tariff data from diverse documents and reports.

  • Cross-referencing tariffs between internal offerings and competitor prices, a time-intensive task.

  • Risk of overlooking critical tariff nuances due to the complexity of manual analysis.

What this task now looks like.

  • Seamlessly integrate tariff data from various sources for comprehensive analysis.

  • Employ advanced algorithms to highlight key differences and similarities in tariffs.

  • Generate detailed reports that summarize competitive positioning with actionable insights.

You can choose from various LLMs.

For this use case, we recommend Azure GPT-3.5.

The insurance sector thrives on competitive tariffs, yet comparing them can be arduous and prone to human error. Our Tariff Comparison tool automates the analysis of insurance tariffs, both internally and against competitors, simplifying the process and ensuring accuracy. With this innovation, insurance departments can now leverage technology to gain a nuanced understanding of tariff structures, enabling informed decision-making.

Train from different data sources.

Data examples.

You can train your Generative AI assistant from different data sources. Here are some examples.


Insurance policies are contracts where the insured pays premiums to an insurer, and in return, the insurer provides financial protection or compensation to the insured for specified events or risks.

This might also be relevant for you.

Further resources

We have collected a list of resources that might be helpful for you to learn more about this use case.

Insurance AI Use Case: Compare complex documents at scale with ChatGPT.

Insurance AI Use Case: Compare complex documents at scale with ChatGPT.

For professionals dealing with large volumes of complex documentation, let's dive into how leveraging ChatGPT could save you hours of work with our Synopsis use case.

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Using AI for document comparison

Using AI for document comparison

Document comparisons are just one of the many immensely powerful use cases that you can to with Retrieval Augmented Generation! With just a few steps, you can easily process and compare documents that you have.

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AI Synopsis

AI Synopsis

Compare Complex Documents at Scale.

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5 Breakthrough GenAI Use Cases Enterprise Insurers Are Exploring

5 Breakthrough GenAI Use Cases Enterprise Insurers Are Exploring

In this blog, we will explore the top 5 groundbreaking Gen AI use cases that many enterprise insurer have been exploring and the components of the application.

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We are ISO-27001 certified, work with external DPOs and offer multiple LLM options to keep your data safe.

Your data stays confidential, and is not used to train models that aren't yours.

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Reliable, over and over again.

The blueprint for your use case.

We've been in the space of Natural Language Processing for many years before ChatGPT and pioneered open-source, data-centric AI. Solutions built on our platform follow IT, LLM and security best practices.

Enterprise LLM Service catalogue (ChatGPT-like assistants, LLM-enhanced workflows, …)
LLM Use Case, configurable via low-code designer
No-Code UI
API Endpoint
Secure Gateway, IT Best-Practices
Permissions, PII-Redaction
Cost Controls
Intent-Aware Routing
Retrieval Augmented Generation
Feedback and Confidence Scoring
Mindmap-like structure
Search indices
Automated data quality checks
Agnostic setups
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