Use case.

Internal Handbook Assistant.

Struggling to locate specific policies or procedures within your company's extensive internal handbook? This assistant streamlines the search process, delivering quick and precise answers to all your handbook-related questions.

Easily accessible internal information

Your benefits.

See what's in it for you.

Improved accessibility of company information

Improved accuracy to minimize misunderstandings

Increase user engagement

What you previously had to do.

  • Manual searching for the right location of information.

  • Required to potentially understand and interpret complex topics or processes.

  • Asking for assistance would still require manual effort.

What this task now looks like.

  • Type questions and receive instant answers, removing the need for manual search.

  • Enable the assistant to clarify or simply more complex topics in the language of the users.

  • Use the assistant as a central, organized directory for company information.

You can choose from various LLMs.

For this use case, we recommend Azure GPT-3.5.

Struggling to locate specific policies or procedures within your company's extensive internal handbook? This assistant streamlines the search process, delivering quick and precise answers to all your handbook-related questions.

Train from different data sources.

Data examples.

You can train your Generative AI assistant from different data sources. Here are some examples.

Company Policies and Guidelines

Contains all internal rules, procedures, and ethics guidelines, aiding in general compliance and behavior. In formats such as PDFs and text documents.

Training Material and Resources

Offers learning content for onboarding and ongoing education, supporting employee growth and alignment with company standards. In formats such as PDFs and text documents.

Knowledge Base and FAQs

Centralizes common queries and solutions, facilitating quicker resolutions and consistent information sharing. In formats such as PDFs, text documents or website pages.

This might also be relevant for you.

Further resources

We have collected a list of resources that might be helpful for you to learn more about this use case.

AI assistants

AI assistants

Simplify Customer Service Workflows with GenAI

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We are ISO-27001 certified, work with external DPOs and offer multiple LLM options to keep your data safe.

Your data stays confidential, and is not used to train models that aren't yours.

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Reliable, over and over again.

The blueprint for your use case.

We've been in the space of Natural Language Processing for many years before ChatGPT and pioneered open-source, data-centric AI. Solutions built on our platform follow IT, LLM and security best practices.

Enterprise LLM Service catalogue (ChatGPT-like assistants, LLM-enhanced workflows, …)
LLM Use Case, configurable via low-code designer
No-Code UI
API Endpoint
Secure Gateway, IT Best-Practices
Permissions, PII-Redaction
Cost Controls
Intent-Aware Routing
Retrieval Augmented Generation
Feedback and Confidence Scoring
Mindmap-like structure
Search indices
Automated data quality checks
Agnostic setups
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